Best Shoulder Surgeon in Bangalore-Shoulder Terminology | Dr. Sushal Shanthakumar | Praxis Ortho Care
joint – the acromioclavicular joint; this is the joint that
connects the distal end of the clavicle to the acromion, which is part of the scapula, or shoulder blade.
Acromioclavicular joint – also
called the AC joint, this is the joint that connects the distal end of the
clavicle to the acromion, which is part of the scapula, or shoulder blade.
Acromion – the most superior and
lateral part of the scapula; the supraspinatus tendon (one of the rotator cuff
muscles) passes underneath the acromion before attaching to the humerus. In
some cases, a malshaped acromion may lead to shoulder impingement.
Active exercise – exercise in which
the participant uses the muscles of the affected limb to create the limb
motion. See also passive exercise.
Anterior inferior shoulder instability – this
is the most common type of shoulder instability; a person with this type of
instability may have problems with the humerus subluxing or dislocating out the
front of the joint. See also multidirectional instability.
Arthritis – degeneration of a joint.
When a joint becomes arthritic there is a loss of articular cartilage and
degenerative changes to the bone.
Arthroplasty – joint replacement,
the creation of an artificial joint, or the surgical restoration of the
integrity and functional power of a joint. In shoulder arthroplasty, the
arthritic articular surfaces are replaced by metal and polyethylene components.
Arthroscopic surgery – see
– the use of arthroscopic equipment allows some surgeries to
be performed through two or three very small incisions.
Avascular necrosis – death
of bone and cartilage tissue due to impaired or disrupted blood supply (as that
caused by traumatic injury or disease) and marked by severe pain in the
affected region and by weakened bone that may flatten and collapse. Also called
Bankart lesion – a defect in the shoulder capsule and labrum
caused by a shoulder dislocation. The defect is located at the anteroinferior
border of the glenoid. The defect is referred to as a bony Bankart lesion when,
in addition to the soft tissue defect, a piece of bone is missing from the
anteroinferior glenoid.
Bankart repair – surgical correction of a Bankart lesion (a
torn labral cartilage and shoulder capsule). A Bankart lesion commonly occurs
after a shoulder dislocation.
Biceps repair – tenodesis of the distal biceps tendon to the
radius bone, as is necessary for a biceps tendon rupture.
Biceps tendon – the biceps, also called the biceps brachii,
is a large muscle at the front of the upper arm that flexes the forearm. The
distal tendon attaches to the radius bone at the radial tuberosity. The biceps
is responsible for elbow flexion and forearm supination.
Biceps tenodesis – the surgical anchoring of a biceps tendon, as
to a bone. This term is used most commonly to refer to tenodesis of the long
head of the biceps proximally. Tenodesis of the distal biceps tendon to the
radius is more commonly referred to as a biceps repair.
Brachial neuritis – an acute syndrome of unknown cause marked by
pain in the shoulder girdle, flaccid weakness of the muscles innervated by the
brachial plexus, and mild sensory loss in the affected upper extremity.
Brachial neuritis is usually of limited duration with spontaneous recovery.
Also called acute brachial radiculitis, brachial plexus neuropathy,
shoulder-girdle syndrome, and shoulder-hand syndrome.
Brachial plexus – a network of nerves formed by cervical and
thoracic spinal nerves and supplying the arm and parts of the shoulder.
Clavicle – Also called collarbone,
it is either of the two slender bones in humans that extend from the manubrium
of the sternum to the acromion of the scapula.
fracture – a break, rupture, or crack, of the clavicle bone.
Coracoid – a bony process projecting
from the scapula toward the sternum. Several ligaments attach to the coracoid,
as do the tendons of the coricobrachialis muscle and the short head of the
Cuff tear arthropathy – a
type of arthrosis of the shoulder joint with a unique bony wear pattern. After years
of having a massive rotator cuff tear, superior migration of the humeral head
is often seen, along with superior wear of the glenoid bone.
Deltoid muscle – a muscle with
origin from the lateral third of the clavicle, the lateral border of acromion
process, and the lower border of spine of scapula, with insertion to the side
of the shaft of the humerus, with nerve supply from the axillary nerve from the
fifth and sixth cervical nerves through the brachial plexus, and whose action
causes the abduction, flexion, extension, and rotation of the arm.
– displacement of a body part, especially the temporary
displacement of a bone from its normal position within a joint.
External rotators – a
term that is commonly used to refer to the infraspinatus and teres minor
muscles, which affect external rotation of the shoulder.
Fracture – a break, rupture, or
crack, of a bone .
Glenohumeral arthritis – shoulder
arthritis. Inflammation of the shoulder, usually accompanied by pain, swelling,
and stiffness, and resulting from infection, trauma, degenerative changes,
metabolic disturbances, or other causes. It occurs in various forms, such as
bacterial arthritis, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis.
Glenohumeral joint – the
shoulder joint.
Glenoid – the articular depression
of the scapula entering into the formation of the shoulder joint.
Hemiarthroplasty – arthroplasty
in which one joint surface is replaced with artificial material, usually metal.
In shoulder hemiarthroplasty, the proximal humerus is usually replaced, rather
than the glenoid.
Heterotopic ossification – the
pathologic formation of bony tissue in a location where bone does not normally
form, e.g. within muscle.
Hoop stresses – the type of force
that holds a press-fit prosthesis into a bone during joint replacement.
Humeral head – the smooth, round
articular surface of the proximal humerus bone.
– the bone of the arm, articulating with the scapula above
and the radius and ulna below.
Impingement – a term often used,
when referring to the shoulder, to describe the concept of pathologic pressure
on the rotator cuff from part of the shoulder blade (scapula) as the arm is
Infraspinatus muscle – an
intrinsic (scapulohumeral) muscle of the shoulder joint. The tendon of this
muscle contributes to the formation of the rotator cuff; origin, infraspinous
fossa of scapula; insertion, middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus;
action, extends arm and rotates it laterally; its tonic contraction helps to
hold the head of the humerus in the shallow glenoid fossa; nerve supply,
suprascapular (from fifth to sixth cervical spinal nerves).
Internal rotator muscle – a
term that is commonly used to refer to the subscapularis muscle, which affects
internal rotation of the shoulder.
Interscalene block – a
procedure that is used to provide pain relief for shoulder surgery. An
anesthetic (e.g. bupivcaine) is injected near the nerves as they exit from the
neck region. This often leads to better pain control with less need for
narcotic pain medications.
Labrum – a rim or cup of cartilage
that contributes to shoulder stability by deepening and increasing the glenoid
surface area, and by providing attachments for the shoulder capsule and various
ligaments and tendons.
Mini open repair – a
surgical technique that is used to repair the rotator cuff through a single,
small incision, usually about 3 cm long.
Multidirectional instability (MDI) – shoulder
instability in patients who have generalized looseness of the supporting
ligaments that surround the shoulder’s glenohumeral joint. The laxity can be a
congenital condition (present from birth) or a condition that has developed
over time, often from repetitive activities that stretch the shoulder capsule
such as overhead sports (volleyball, gymnastics, swimming, or throwing).
– arthritis that occurs with aging or as a sequela of trauma
characterized by degenerative and sometimes hypertrophic changes in the bone
and cartilage of a joint and a progressive wearing down of apposing joint
surfaces with consequent distortion of joint position. Also called degenerative
arthritis, degenerative joint disease, hypertrophic arthritis, post-traumatic
Osteonecrosis – necrosis of bone
tissue due to impaired or disrupted blood supply (as that caused by traumatic
injury or disease) and marked by severe pain in the affected region and by
weakened bone that may flatten and collapse. Also called avascular necrosis.
Passive exercise – exercise
that emphasizes maintaining range of motion rather than strengthening. During a
passive shoulder exercise, for example, the surgical shoulder and arm remain
loose while the unaffected arm provides the power to take the shoulder through
a range of motion. See also active exercise.
Posterior shoulder instability – a
condition in which the head of the humerus tends to sublux or dislocate
posterior to the shoulder joint (out toward the back). Posterior instability is
much less common than anterior instability. Patients with this condition often
don’t present with a typical history of true dislocations, but rather symptoms
of posterior joint pain and/or clicking. Athletes, such as weight lifters may
be at higher risk for developing this disorder. Posterior dislocation of the
shoulder has also been associated with a history of seizures or an electrical
Prosthesis (pl. prostheses) – an
artificial device used to replace a missing body part. A shoulder prosthesis is
usually made of metal and plastic.
Reverse shoulder prosthesis – an
artificial shoulder joint made from metal and plastic that is used to replace a
natural shoulder joint that is worn out, painful, and/or no longer functions
properly. With a reverse shoulder prosthesis, the ball (humeral head) and
socket (glenoid cup) are switched or “reversed.” There may be advantages to
using a reverse shoulder prosthesis in patients with an irreparable, massive
rotator cuff tear or significant glenoid bone loss. Compare to standard
shoulder prosthesis.
Revision surgery – surgery
that is performed after a previous, initial surgery; a revision surgery may be
performed for many reasons, e.g. to correct alignment, replace worn out
components, etc.
Rheumatoid arthritis – a
usually chronic disease that is considered an autoimmune disease and is
characterized especially by pain, stiffness, inflammation, swelling, and
sometimes destruction of joints.
cuff – a supporting and strengthening structure of the shoulder
joint that is made up of part of its capsule blended with tendons of the
subscapularis, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and teres minor muscles as they
pass to the capsule or across it to insert on the humerus. Also called the
musculotendinous cuff.
– Either of two large, flat, triangular bones forming the
back part of the shoulder. Also called shoulder blade.
Scapular winging – a
rare condition sometimes caused by nerve injury or another disorder affecting
the shoulder; “winging” refers to abnormal protrusion of a part of the scapula.
Septic arthritis – acute
inflammation of synovial membranes, with purulent effusion into a joint, due to
bacterial infection; the usual route of infection is hemic to the synovial
tissue, causing destruction of the articular cartilage, and may become chronic,
with sinus formation, osteomyelitis, deformity, and disability. Also called
suppurative arthritis.
tear – a tear of the superior labrum of the shoulder. SLAP is an
acronym for Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior. If the arm is forcefully bent
inward at the shoulder, the humerus acts as a lever and tears the long head of
the biceps tendon and labrum cartilage from the glenoid cavity in a
front-to-back (anterior-posterior) direction.
Standard shoulder prosthesis – an
artificial shoulder joint made from metal and plastic that is used to replace a
natural shoulder joint that is worn out, painful, and/or no longer functions
properly. With a standard shoulder prosthesis, the ball (humeral head) and
socket (glenoid cup) are fabricated in a manner that imitates the shoulder’s
normal anatomy. Compare to reverse shoulder prosthesis.
Subscapularis muscle – one
of four rotator cuff muscles. The subscapularis is located on the undersurface
of the scapula and connects to an area on the proximal humerus bone called the
lesser tubercle. It is responsible for internal rotation of the arm at the
Supraspinatus muscle – one
of four rotator cuff muscles. The supraspinatus sits on the superior, posterior
scapula in an area known as the supraspinatus fossa, and it connects to the
proximal humerus bone at the greater tubercle. It contributes to stabilization
of glenohumeral joint. The supraspinatus is the most often injured rotator cuff
Suture anchor – a small screw made
of metal or synthetic material that is buried into the bone during some
shoulder surgeries. Sutures or stitches run through an eyelet in the screw, and
these are used to repair soft tissues and hold them to the bone.
Synovial osteochondromatosis (SOC) – a
benign condition characterized by synovial membrane proliferation and
metaplasia. The entity also is termed synovial chondromatosis. The synovial
lining of a joint, bursa, or tendon sheath undergoes nodular proliferation, and
fragments may break off from the synovial surface into the joint. In this
location and nourished by synovial fluid, the fragments may grow, calcify, or ossify.
The intra-articular fragment may vary in size from a few millimeters to a few
Tenodesis – the surgical anchoring of
a tendon, as to a bone.
Teres minor muscle – one
of four rotator cuff muscles, it originates from the lateral border of the
scapula and inserts into the proximal humerus at the greater tubercle. It
contributes to the shoulder’s external rotation strength.
Total elbow arthroplasty – replacement
of the shoulder joint with an artificial device, usually made from metal and
high-density plastic.
Total joint arthroplasty – arthroplasty
in which both joint surfaces are replaced with artificial materials, usually
metal and high-density plastic.
Total shoulder arthroplasty – replacement
of the shoulder joint with an artificial device, usually made from metal and
high-density plastic.
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