Rotator Cuff Tear -Best Rotator cuff tears treatment in Bangalore | Praxis Ortho Care
Best Rotator cuff tears treatment in Bangalore | Praxis Ortho Care
What is Arthroscopy?
Arthroscopy –arthro – “joint” and skopein –”to look”. Arthroscopy is a procedure conducted to examine the joints. The doctor inserts an instrument called an arthroscope that has a small lens at one end into the patient’s shoulder joint to test it. This procedure helps capture the image of the joint insides, which otherwise would be difficult to get. The doctor can examine the damage to suggest an adequate line of treatment.
Doctors usually recommend arthroscopy for patients diagnosed with torn rotator cuffs.
Four tendons attach shoulder blade muscles and ribs to the upper arm. Since these tendons help to rotate the arm, these tendons are called the rotator cuff.
Tears of the rotator cuff of the shoulder are lead to a lot of pain and inability to carry on normal activities. Muscles in the rotator cuff have to move inside a small tight space and are hence susceptible to injury. Usually caused due to sudden rough shoulder movements.
This injury needs to be treated. If left untreated, it may lead to damage to the muscles.
- Pain that reoccurs and causes discomfort repeatedly.
- Pain that prevents you from sleeping on your injured side
- Cracking sound when you try to move your arm
- Discomfort when you try to move your arm
- Weakness in muscles felt when walking or rotating the arm
The symptoms of a rotator cuff tear may be similar to other related injuries. Hence it is always better you talk to your doctor who will be able to diagnose the exact problem.
How is a rotator cuff injury diagnosed?
Your doctor will first take a complete health history and do a physical exam. The doctor will then run diagnostic tests such as:
- X-ray.
Abnormal motion at the shoulder joint causes friction between the tendons and tissues. Based on the extent of the damage due to the abnormal motion, rotator cuff tears are classified as follows
1. Partial-thickness tears – Initially, injuries that occur to the rotator cuff are partial-thickness tears. If left untreated, they turn into full damage.
2.Full-thickness tears – These tears happen when the tendon gets wholly torn off from the shoulder socket. At times, it could be indicative of other significant issues. This is the reason; an experienced Orthopedic surgeon will always examine the patient entirely before commencing a treatment plan.
Patients who are advised to go for surgery are
- Symptoms do not improve with other measures taken such as physical therapy
- Athletes who suffer severe injury
- workers or labourers who perform substantial physical activities
- Diagnosis through X-ray reveals severe damage.
After an initial examination of the rotator cuff reveals a tear, the patient is prepared for arthroscopic surgery. The Arthroscopic surgery is performed in the following steps
1. The surgeon makes a small incision. Now the arthroscope is inserted through the incision.
- The insides of the shoulder that include bones, tendons, ligaments, and tissues are carefully examined
- The muscles, if found damaged, are removed. The surgeon checks for further damages and performs the repair.
The patients may take a few months to recover fully after the surgery. But it depends on several factors. Doctors advise patients to wear sling if the situation demands. The Orthopedic surgeon will provide a list of exercises to be done for a faster recovery.
The results and recovery can be well predicted if performed by a skilled orthopedic surgeon. Usually, the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and the patient is allowed to go home. Surgeons typically explain to the patients the area where the problem occurred and the steps taken to address the issue.
What happens without surgery?
Patients who suffer from shoulder rotator cuff pain are unable to carry on routine activities without discomfort. The condition may worsen with time and cause irreparable damage to the rotator cuff. In some cases, it causes arthritis too.
Most surgeons first try to rectify and repair the damage with physical therapy. But if the issue persists surgery will be recommended.
To learn more about our orthopedic services by the Best Rotator cuff tears treatment in Bangalore or schedule an appointment or give us a call at +91 968-641-8750
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